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Getting started

If you just want a working repo to get started, clone the Rust client examples repo, type edgedb project init to start an EdgeDB project, and then cargo run to run the samples.

This tutorial contains a lot of similar examples to those found in the file inside that repo.

The minimum to add to your Cargo.toml to use the client is edgedb-tokio:

edgedb-tokio = "0.5.0"

The next most common dependency is edgedb-protocol, which includes the EdgeDB types used for data modeling:

edgedb-protocol = "0.6.0"

A third crate called edgedb-derive contains the #[derive(Queryable)] derive macro which is the main way to unpack EdgeDB output into Rust types:

edgedb-derive = "0.5.1"

The Rust client uses tokio so add this to Cargo.toml as well:

tokio = { version = "1.29.1", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"] }

If you are avoiding async code and want to emulate a blocking client, you will still need to use tokio as a dependency but can bridge with async using one of the bridging methods recommended by tokio. This won’t require any added features:

tokio = "1.29.1"

Then you can start a runtime. Block and wait for futures to resolve by calling the runtime’s .block_on() method:

let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
let just_a_string: String =
    rt.block_on(client.query_required_single("select 'A string'", &()))?;

The EdgeDB CLI initializes an EdgeDB project with a single command in the same way that Cargo initializes a Rust project, except it does not create a new directory. So to start a project:

  • Use cargo new <your_crate_name> as usual, then:

  • Go into the directory and type edgedb project init.

The CLI will prompt you for the instance name and version of EdgeDB to use. It will look something like this:

edgedb project init
No `edgedb.toml` found in `\\?\C:\rust\my_db` or above
Do you want to initialize a new project? [Y/n]
> Y
Specify the name of EdgeDB instance to use
with this project [default: my_db]:
> my_db
Checking EdgeDB versions...
Specify the version of EdgeDB to use with this project [default: 3.0]:
> 3.0
│ Project directory   │ \\?\C:\rust\my_db               │
│ Project config      │ \\?\C:\rust\my_db\edgedb.toml   │
│ Schema dir (empty)  │ \\?\C:\rust\my_db\dbschema      │
│ Installation method │ WSL                             │
│ Version             │ 3.0+e7d38e9                     │
│ Instance name       │ my_db                           │
Version 3.0+e7d38e9 is already installed
Initializing EdgeDB instance...
Applying migrations...
Everything is up to date. Revision initial
Project initialized.
To connect to my_db, run `edgedb`

Inside your project directory you’ll notice some new items:

  • edgedb.toml, which is used to mark the directory as an EdgeDB project.

The file itself doesn’t contain much — just the version of EdgeDB being used — but is used by the CLI to run commands without connection flags. (E.g., edgedb -I my_project migrate becomes simply edgedb migrate). See more in our edgedb.toml reference or on the blog post introducing the EdgeDB projects CLI.

  • A /dbschema folder, inside which you’ll see:

    • a default.esdl file which holds your schema. You can change the schema by directly modifying this file followed by edgedb migration create and edgedb migrate.

    • a /migrations folder with .edgeql files named starting at 00001. These hold the ddl commands that were used to migrate your schema. A new file shows up in this directory every time your schema is migrated.

If you are running EdgeDB 3.0 and above, you also have the option of using the edgedb watch command. Doing so starts a long-running process that keeps an eye on changes in /dbschema, automatically applying these changes in real time.

Now that you have the right dependencies and an EdgeDB instance, you can create a client.