EdgeDB Go Driver
Package edgedb is the official Go driver for EdgeDB. Additionally, edgeql-go is a code generator that generates go functions from edgeql files.
Typical client usage looks like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := edgedb.CreateClient(ctx, edgedb.Options{})
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
var (
age int64 = 21
users []struct {
ID edgedb.UUID `edgedb:"id"`
Name string `edgedb:"name"`
query := "SELECT User{name} FILTER .age = <int64>$0"
err = client.Query(ctx, query, &users, age)
We recommend using environment variables for connection parameters. See the client connection docs for more information.
You may also connect to a database using a DSN:
url := "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/edgedb"
client, err := edgedb.CreateClientDSN(ctx, url, opts)
Or you can use Option fields.
opts := edgedb.Options{
Database: "edgedb",
User: "edgedb",
Concurrency: 4,
client, err := edgedb.CreateClient(ctx, opts)
edgedb never returns underlying errors directly. If you are checking for things like context expiration use errors.Is() or errors.As().
err := client.Query(...)
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { ... }
Most errors returned by the edgedb package will satisfy the edgedb.Error interface which has methods for introspecting.
err := client.Query(...)
var edbErr edgedb.Error
if errors.As(err, &edbErr) && edbErr.Category(edgedb.NoDataError){
The following list shows the marshal/unmarshal mapping between EdgeDB types and go types:
EdgeDB Go
--------- ---------
Set []anytype
array<anytype> []anytype
tuple struct
named tuple struct
Object struct
bool bool, edgedb.OptionalBool
bytes []byte, edgedb.OptionalBytes
str string, edgedb.OptionalStr
anyenum string, edgedb.OptionalStr
datetime time.Time, edgedb.OptionalDateTime
cal::local_datetime edgedb.LocalDateTime,
cal::local_date edgedb.LocalDate, edgedb.OptionalLocalDate
cal::local_time edgedb.LocalTime, edgedb.OptionalLocalTime
duration edgedb.Duration, edgedb.OptionalDuration
cal::relative_duration edgedb.RelativeDuration,
float32 float32, edgedb.OptionalFloat32
float64 float64, edgedb.OptionalFloat64
int16 int16, edgedb.OptionalFloat16
int32 int32, edgedb.OptionalInt16
int64 int64, edgedb.OptionalInt64
uuid edgedb.UUID, edgedb.OptionalUUID
json []byte, edgedb.OptionalBytes
bigint *big.Int, edgedb.OptionalBigInt
decimal user defined (see Custom Marshalers)
Note that EdgeDB’s std::duration type is represented in int64 microseconds while go’s time.Duration type is int64 nanoseconds. It is incorrect to cast one directly to the other.
Shape fields that are not required must use optional types for receiving query results. The edgedb.Optional struct can be embedded to make structs optional.
type User struct {
Email string `edgedb:"email"`
var result User
err := client.QuerySingle(ctx, `SELECT User { email } LIMIT 0`, $result)
// Output: true
err := client.QuerySingle(ctx, `SELECT User { email } LIMIT 1`, $result)
// Output: false
Not all types listed above are valid query parameters. To pass a slice of scalar values use array in your query. EdgeDB doesn’t currently support using sets as parameters.
query := `select User filter .id in array_unpack(<array<uuid>>$1)`
client.QuerySingle(ctx, query, $user, []edgedb.UUID{...})
Nested structures are also not directly allowed but you can use json instead.
By default EdgeDB will ignore embedded structs when marshaling/unmarshaling. To treat an embedded struct’s fields as part of the parent struct’s fields, tag the embedded struct with `edgedb:”$inline”`.
type Object struct {
ID edgedb.UUID
type User struct {
Object `edgedb:"$inline"`
Name string
Custom Marshalers
Interfaces for user defined marshaler/unmarshalers are documented in the internal/marshal package.
Usage Example
package edgedb_test
import (
type User struct {
ID edgedb.UUID `edgedb:"id"`
Name string `edgedb:"name"`
DOB time.Time `edgedb:"dob"`
func Example() {
opts := edgedb.Options{Concurrency: 4}
ctx := context.Background()
db, err := edgedb.CreateClientDSN(ctx, "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/test", opts)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
// create a user object type.
err = db.Execute(ctx, `
CREATE PROPERTY dob -> datetime;
if err != nil {
// Insert a new user.
var inserted struct{ id edgedb.UUID }
err = db.QuerySingle(ctx, `
name := <str>$0,
dob := <datetime>$1
`, &inserted, "Bob", time.Date(1984, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
if err != nil {
// Select users.
var users []User
args := map[string]interface{}{"name": "Bob"}
query := "SELECT User {name, dob} FILTER .name = <str>$name"
err = db.Query(ctx, query, &users, args)
if err != nil {