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Welcome to EdgeDB!

This quickstart will walk you through the entire process of creating a simple EdgeDB-powered application: installation, defining your schema, adding some data, and writing your first query. Let’s jump in!

First let’s install the EdgeDB CLI. Open a terminal and run the appropriate command below.

Great news for Node users!

Skip installing and start using the EdgeDB CLI right away! Just prepend any CLI command with npx or your package manager’s equivalent. For example, to create a new project, you can use npx edgedb project init.

curl --proto '=https' -sSf1 | sh
# Import the EdgeDB packaging key
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/keyrings && \
sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf \
  -o /usr/local/share/keyrings/edgedb-keyring.gpg \ && \
$ # Add the EdgeDB package repository
echo deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/edgedb-keyring.gpg]\ \
  $(grep "VERSION_CODENAME=" /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2) main \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgedb.list
# Install the EdgeDB package
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install edgedb-5
# Add the EdgeDB package repository
sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL \ \
  > /etc/yum.repos.d/edgedb.repo
# Install the EdgeDB package
sudo yum install edgedb-5
curl --proto '=https' -sSf1 | sh
# Add the EdgeDB tap to your Homebrew
brew tap edgedb/tap
# Install EdgeDB CLI
brew install edgedb-cli

EdgeDB on Windows requires WSL 2 to create local instances because the EdgeDB server runs on Linux. It is not required if you will use the CLI only to manage EdgeDB Cloud and/or other remote instances. This quickstart does create local instances, so WSL 2 is required to complete the quickstart.

iwr -useb | iex

Command prompt installation

To install EdgeDB in the Windows Command prompt, follow these steps:

  1. Download the CLI

  2. Navigate to the download location in the command prompt

  3. Run the installation command:

edgedb-cli.exe _self_install

The script installation methods download and execute a bash script that installs the edgedb CLI on your machine. You may be asked for your password. Once the installation completes, you may need to restart your terminal before you can use the edgedb command.

Now let’s set up your EdgeDB project.

In a terminal, create a new directory and cd into it.

mkdir quickstart
cd quickstart

Then initialize your EdgeDB project:

edgedb project init

This starts an interactive tool that walks you through the process of setting up your first EdgeDB instance. You should see something like this:

edgedb project init
No `edgedb.toml` found in `/path/to/quickstart` or above
Do you want to initialize a new project? [Y/n]
> Y
Specify the name of EdgeDB instance to use with this project
[default: quickstart]:
> quickstart
Checking EdgeDB versions...
Specify the version of EdgeDB to use with this project [default: 5.x]:
> 5.x
│ Project directory   │ ~/path/to/quickstart                          │
│ Project config      │ ~/path/to/quickstart/edgedb.toml              │
│ Schema dir (empty)  │ ~/path/to/quickstart/dbschema                 │
│ Installation method │ portable package                              │
│ Version             │ 5.x+cc4f3b5                                   │
│ Instance name       │ quickstart                                    │
Downloading package...
00:00:01 [====================] 41.40 MiB/41.40 MiB 32.89MiB/s | ETA: 0s
Successfully installed 5.x+cc4f3b5
Initializing EdgeDB instance...
Applying migrations...
Everything is up to date. Revision initial
Project initialized.
To connect to quickstart, run `edgedb`

This did a couple things.

  1. First, it scaffolded your project by creating an edgedb.toml config file and a schema file dbschema/default.esdl. In the next section, you’ll define a schema in default.esdl.

  2. Second, it spun up an EdgeDB instance called quickstart and “linked” it to the current directory. As long as you’re inside the project directory, all CLI commands will be executed against this instance. For more details on how EdgeDB projects work, check out the Managing instances guide.

Quick note! You can have several instances of EdgeDB running on your computer simultaneously. Each instance may be branched many times. Each branch may have an independent schema consisting of a number of modules (though commonly your schema will be entirely defined inside the default module).

Let’s connect to our new instance! Run edgedb in your terminal to open an interactive REPL to your instance. You’re now connected to a live EdgeDB instance running on your computer! Try executing a simple query:

select 1 + 1;

Run \q to exit the REPL. More interesting queries are coming soon, promise! But first we need to set up a schema.

Open the quickstart directory in your IDE or editor of choice. You should see the following file structure.

├── edgedb.toml
├── dbschema
│   ├── default.esdl
│   ├── migrations

EdgeDB schemas are defined with a dedicated schema definition language called (predictably) EdgeDB SDL (or just SDL for short). It’s an elegant, declarative way to define your data model.

SDL lives inside .esdl files. Commonly, your entire schema will be declared in a file called default.esdl but you can split your schema across several .esdl files if you prefer.

Syntax-highlighter packages/extensions for .esdl files are available for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and Vim.

Let’s build a simple movie database. We’ll need to define two object types (equivalent to a table in SQL): Movie and Person. Open dbschema/default.esdl in your editor of choice and paste the following:

module default {
  type Person {
    required name: str;

  type Movie {
    title: str;
    multi actors: Person;

A few things to note here.

  • Our types don’t contain an id property; EdgeDB automatically creates this property and assigns a unique UUID to every object inserted into the database.

  • The Movie type includes a link named actors. In EdgeDB, links are used to represent relationships between object types. They eliminate the need for foreign keys; later, you’ll see just how easy it is to write “deep” queries without JOINs.

  • The object types are inside a module called default. You can split up your schema into logical subunits called modules, though it’s common to define the entire schema in a single module called default.

Now we’re ready to run a migration to apply this schema to the database.

Generate a migration file with edgedb migration create. This command gathers up our *.esdl files and sends them to the database. The database itself parses these files, compares them against its current schema, and generates a migration plan! Then the database sends this plan back to the CLI, which creates a migration file.

edgedb migration create
Created ./dbschema/migrations/00001.edgeql (id: <hash>)

If you’re interested, open this migration file to see what’s inside! It’s a simple EdgeQL script consisting of DDL commands like create type, alter type, and create property.

The migration file has been created but we haven’t applied it against the database. Let’s do that.

edgedb migrate
Applied m1k54jubcs62wlzfebn3pxwwngajvlbf6c6qfslsuagkylg2fzv2lq (00001.edgeql)

Looking good! Let’s make sure that worked by running edgedb list types on the command line. This will print a table containing all currently-defined object types.

edgedb list types
│      Name       │          Extending           │
│ default::Movie  │ std::BaseObject, std::Object │
│ default::Person │ std::BaseObject, std::Object │

Before we proceed, let’s try making a small change to our schema: making the title property of Movie required. First, update the schema file:

  type Movie {
    title: str;
    required title: str;
    multi actors: Person;

Then create another migration. Because this isn’t the initial migration, we see something a little different than before.

edgedb migration create
did you make property 'title' of object type 'default::Movie'
required? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]

As before, EdgeDB parses the schema files and compared them against its current internal schema. It correctly detects the change we made, and prompts us to confirm it. This interactive process lets you sanity check every change and provide guidance when a migration is ambiguous (e.g. when a property is renamed).

Enter y to confirm the change.

edgedb migration create
did you make property 'title' of object type 'default::Movie'
required? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]
> y
Please specify an expression to populate existing objects in
order to make property 'title' of object type 'default::Movie' required:
fill_expr> <std::str>{}

Hm, now we’re seeing another prompt. Because title is changing from optional to required, EdgeDB is asking us what to do for all the Movie objects that don’t currently have a value for title defined. We’ll just specify a placeholder value of “Untitled”. Replace the <std::str>{} value with "Untitled" and press Enter.

fill_expr> "Untitled"
Created dbschema/migrations/00002.edgeql (id: <hash>)

If we look at the generated migration file, we see it contains the following lines:

ALTER TYPE default::Movie {
    SET REQUIRED USING ('Untitled');

Let’s wrap up by applying the new migration.

edgedb migrate
Applied m1rd2ikgwdtlj5ws7ll6rwzvyiui2xbrkzig4adsvwy2sje7kxeh3a (00002.edgeql)

Let’s write some simple queries via EdgeDB UI, the admin dashboard baked into every EdgeDB instance (v2.0+ only). To open the dashboard:

edgedb ui
Opening URL in browser:
http://localhost:107xx/ui?authToken=<jwt token>

You should see a simple landing page, as below. You’ll see a card for each branch of your instance. Remember: each instance can be branched multiple times!

Currently, there’s only one branch, which is simply called main by default. Click the main card.

Then click Open Editor so we can start writing some queries. We’ll start simple: select "Hello world!";. Click RUN to execute the query.

The result of the query will appear on the right.

The query will also be added to your history of previous queries, which can be accessed via the “HISTORY” tab located on the lower left side of the editor.

Now let’s actually insert an object into our database. Copy the following query into the query textarea and hit Run.

insert Movie {
  title := "Dune"

Nice! You’ve officially inserted the first object into your database! Let’s add a couple cast members with an update query.

update Movie
filter .title = "Dune"
set {
  actors := {
    (insert Person { name := "Timothee Chalamet" }),
    (insert Person { name := "Zendaya" })

Finally, we can run a select query to fetch all the data we just inserted.

select Movie {
  actors: {

Click the outermost COPY button in the top right of the query result area to copy the result of this query to your clipboard as JSON. The copied text will look something like this:

    "title": "Dune",
    "actors": [
        "name": "Timothee Chalamet"
        "name": "Zendaya"

EdgeDB UI is a useful development tool, but in practice your application will likely be using one of EdgeDB’s client libraries to execute queries. EdgeDB provides official libraries for many langauges:

Check out the Clients guide to get started with the language of your choice.

You now know the basics of EdgeDB! You’ve installed the CLI and database, set up a local project, run a couple migrations, inserted and queried some data, and used a client library.

  • For a more in-depth exploration of each topic covered here, continue reading the other pages in the Getting Started section, which will cover important topics like migrations, the schema language, and EdgeQL in greater detail.

  • For guided tours of major concepts, check out the showcase pages for Data Modeling, EdgeQL, and Migrations.

  • For a deep dive into the EdgeQL query language, check out the Interactive Tutorial.

  • For an immersive, comprehensive walkthrough of EdgeDB concepts, check out our illustrated e-book Easy EdgeDB; it’s designed to walk a total beginner through EdgeDB, from the basics all the way through advanced concepts.

  • To start building an application using the language of your choice, check out our client libraries: