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Using EdgeDB with Jupyter Notebook

  1. Install Jupyter Notebook

  2. Install the EdgeDB Python library with pip install edgedb

  3. Set the appropriate connection environment variables required for your EdgeDB instance

    For EdgeDB Cloud instances

    • EDGEDB_INSTANCE- your instance name (<org-name>/<instance-name>)

    • EDGEDB_SECRET_KEY- a secret key with permissions for the selected instance.

      You may create a secret key with the CLI by running edgedb cloud secretkey create or in the EdgeDB Cloud UI.

    For other remote instances

    • EDGEDB_DSN- the DSN of your remote instance

      DSNs take the following format: edgedb://<username>:<password>@<hostname-or-ip>:<port>/<branch>. Omit any segment, and EdgeDB will fall back to a default value listed in our DSN specification

    For local EdgeDB instances

    • EDGEDB_INSTANCE- your instance name


    Usernames and passwords

    EdgeDB creates an edgedb user by default, but the password is randomized. You may set the password for this role by running alter role edgedb { set password := '<password>'; }; or you may create a new role using create superuser role <name> { set password := '<password>'; };.

  4. Start your notebook by running jupyter notebook. Make sure this process runs in the same environment that contains the variables you set in step 3.

  5. Create a new notebook.

  6. In one of your notebook’s blocks, import the EdgeDB library and run a query.

    import edgedb
    client = edgedb.create_client()
    def main():
        query = "SELECT 1 + 1;" # Swap in any query you want
        result = client.query(query)